A daily experience.
Knowing Jesus is a daily experience. If I wanted to, I could write something here about my relationship with Jesus every day. Every day, Jesus wants to have time with us. He longs for the time that we will come to Him. It is true that He saves us, but it is for us to maintain the relationship. If you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, and you don't put much effort into the relationship, how long before the two of you drift apart. It only takes one of the people for this to happen. That's how it is with God. He will never pull away from us. He is always there. But we are not so faithful. We are prone to wander away from Him, and try to find satisfaction for our souls somewhere else. We need to try to maintain our relationship with Jesus. This means spending time with Him in prayer and reading our Bibles on a daily basis. So you know, I am just as guilty as anybody else. I also fail in maintaining my relationship with Him at times. I say this for my benefit as much as the benefit of anyone who might read this. I'm not perfect. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) Nevertheless, we can still draw near to Him to know Him more.
draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. This is a promise that God makes.
And this is the third time I've heard this today.
R.A. Slater, at 3:44 PM
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