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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Where is God?

Where is God? That's the first thing my sister mentioned that she sees people asking in their blogs. For someone who doesn't know, that's a very good question. The answer can be complicated and simple at the same time. The complicated part is trying to understand this truth about God; He's everywhere. For us, we can't comprehend how anyone can be everywhere all at the same time. But the Bible tells us that He "Holds the universe in the palm of His hand." Considering how big the universe is, that's amazing. God's hand is bigger than the universe, and that's just His hand. That makes it all the more amazing to consider that He pays any attention to us at all. King David asked God, "Who is man that You are mindful of him?" It was even hard for King David to comprehend, whom God called "a man after God's own heart."
The easy part to understand is this; if God is everywhere, He is right here with me and He is right there with you. He is right there. Here's an idea that was given to me once to help understand this. Take a chair and set it in front of you or next to you. This is God's chair, and He's going to sit in it and talk with you. Go ahead and talk to Him. Don't hold back. You might feel silly at first, but after you've done it a few times, you'll actually feel like He's there and listening. Better yet, not only will you feel like it, you can know that He is. I've done it. I have felt the presence of God while doing it as well. I was sure that He was there. The more you talk to Him, the more sure you'll be. Just be sure that you don't do all the talking. He has things He wants to say too. Take some time and listen. You probably won't hear an audible voice with your ears, but you'll know in your heart that you just heard the voice of God. You'll hear it in your spirit. You'll just know.
I once heard a story about a guy why talked to God in this manner every day. When he got old and became ill, he was put into the hospital. He had the nurse bring a chair and put it next to the bed. Anyone who came in to visit was told, "You can't sit there. That's God's chair. You can use the one on the other side of the bed here." On the day that he passed away, one of his children came to visit. After having a special moment with him, that child slipped out of the room for a while. When that person returned to the room, there he was leaning over the side of the bed with his head on the chair. That's where he was when he passed away. He had come to be so close to the Lord with his sit in the chair discussions, that at his death, he leaned over and put his head on God's lap as he passed away.
You can know the Lord that closely as well. I assure you, He is there with you. He knows what is happening in your life. He does care about you. He loves you. He loves you very much.


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