Crazy Fiction and More!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Busy, busy, busy

OK, it's been a while since I posted last. I've been crazy busy. I had to hurry and get everything ready for our Wednesday night children's ministry for the next year, get arrangements ready for taking some ministry workers to a local conference, prepare curriculum for Children's church, and take the kids to the circus because we got free tickets to Ringling Brothers, and on top of that, my two year old had his elbow pulled out of joint, so we had to take him to the ER to get it reset. Whew! I think I'll breathe now! Which would you like to hear about first? Please don't ask for details about the children's ministries! OK, thank you. Now moving on to more interesting subjects.
The circus was awesome. Not awesome like God is awesome, but awesome like I would never dream of doing the crazy things those people did. There were some things that they did that made me just about as stiff as a board watching them. Even the kids got a little bit tense. It was all a bunch of fun though, that we won't forget soon. There was this magician guy there that still makes me laugh to think about his show. It was so unrealistic that it was hilarious. The best parts though were when he took people from the audience. Those were indeed the funniest moments. He had this thing where he was supposedly hypnotizing people. He had a person from the audince in front of him, and he gestured to him that he should look him in the eyes. The guy from the audience did it for a little while, then started looking around. The magician shook his head, held his head and then started to mock him a bit. Then, it was time to start over. It didn't work, so he gave up and just told the guy to get in the cage. If only you could have seen it, you would know why I still chuckle now. The guy was good at being a lame but funny magician.
Alright, then there was the trip to the ER. My two year old boy needed to listen to his mom and get ready for bed. He didn't want to, so he pulled away from his mom trying to get away. Well, mom instinctively just held on to him. He did need to go to bed after all. Well, he pulled so hard, that he hurt himself and started to cry. We couldn't figure out what he did to himself, but he like it when we put ice on his arm. We thought that maybe he had pulled a muscle or something, so we helped soothe him to sleep, thinking, hoping, that it might be better in the morning. Nope. He cried harder in the morning! We figured that we better take him to the ER. We now thought that maybe he had sprained it or something like that. Well, anyway, the ER doctor realized that his elbow was pulled out of joint. Somehow, it had reset itself when he was getting his Xrays. Interesting isn't it? After all that trouble, it reset itself or got jiggled just right or something. Just like that, the kid feels like new. Who woulda thunk it?


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