Crazy Fiction and More!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


OK, my sister knows that I read her blog, so she tagged me with this funny MeMe thing as she calls it. I don't really know exactly what that means, but I get the idea. Anyway, here it is.

The One with Three

Three names I go by:
1. Cliff Slater
2. Young Cliff (My bosses name is also Cliff, so I'm Young Cliff, and he's Big Cliff. He doesn't like being called Old Cliff.)
3. Honey

Three screen names I have had:
1. Sorry, I only have one. Cliff

Three physical things I like about myself:
1. Big chest muscles. Ha ha!
2. Big arm muscles. Ha ha!
3. Big mouth muscles. Ha... owe wait, never mind.

Three physical things I don't like about myself:
1. Belly
2. Belly
3. Belly

Three parts of my heritage:
1. German
2. Scottish
3. Bradford County,PA

Three things that scare me:
1. God
2. God
3. No I mean it. I'm determined to fear God and Him only.

Three of my everyday essentials:
1. Eat
2. Sleep
3. Mushy stuff with my wife.

Three of my favorite musical artists:
1. Newsboys
2. Michael W. Smith
3. White Heart

Three of my favorite songs:
1. Be Thou My Vision (OK, it's a hymn, but it's still a kind of song.)
2. Joy [Newsboys]
3. Take My Hands (Praises)[Newsboys]

Three things I want in a relationship:
1. Communication
2. Genuine Care
3. Sex (We are talking about a marriage relationship, right?)

Three lies and truths in no particular order:
I'll let you decide what's what.
1. Satan loves you.
2. Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins.
3. The sky is blue, at least from this side.

Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to me:
1. My wife's upper body.
2. My wife's middle body.
3. My wife's lower body. (Hey, marital bias IS good.)

Three of my favorite hobbies:
1. Baseball
2. Reading
3. Goofing off.

Three things I want to do really badly right now:
1. talk to someone I email in person
2. Eat a whole bunch of food with suger in it. (OK, it's a weakness.)
3. I'm sorry, this last one is x-rated, but at least it involves my wife.

Three careers I've considered:
1. Children's Pastor
2. Gas station manager (rejected)
3. Bus driver. I wait, I am a bus driver.

Three Places I want to vacation:
1. Slaterville, Connecticut (Yeah, it's a real place.)
2. Hawaii
3. Oh, just pick a place I haven't gone to yet.

Three kid's names I like:
Boys names:
1. Tani
2. Jonathan
3. Daniel
Girls Names:
1. Emily
2. Elizabeth
3. Jennifer

Three things I want to do before I die:
1. Celebrate 100 years of marriage.
2. Celebrate my 120th birthday.
3. Experience world wide revival.

Three ways that I am stereotypically a boy:
1. I fell in love with a smashingly gorgeous woman.
2. I like spending time with her.
3. I don't ask for directions. (But that's because I already know how to get there, and I seldom get lost. Just ask my wife. I know she will vouch for me.)

Three ways that I am stereotypically a girl:
OK, this must be a trick question. I am not like any girl I know, and I know this because I can't understand any of them.

Three celeb crushes:
Sorry. I don't do crushes. I love my wife, and my wife only. (marital bias IS good.)

Three people I would like to see post this meme:Going to be nice just like my sister and just tag one person. Fluke Starbucker, you thought you would get off easy? Not today. You're it. :)


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